The main goal of the Strong voice of single parents project is to increase the online and offline participation of single parents and their family members in the discussion about their position in society, their rights and needs.
The specific goal of the project is the organization of 7 hybrid public meetings and 2 round tables with the participation of single parents and other members of their families, as well as other persons, with the aim of increasing their ability to communicate and defend their needs in communication with representatives of local government, state administration or employers.
The meetings will be held in individual regional cities and will be attended by representatives of the local state administration, municipalities and other relevant entities.
The conclusions from the meetings will be the basis for the preparation of the strategic document “Situation of single parents“, which will be presented to the Council of the Government of the Slovak Republic for families and demographic development and other interested parties.
Media output
Single parent poverty
RTVS, News, 8. december 2023
Video from archive
Round table IV. - 7.12.2023, Bratislava
Project “Strong voice of single parents” is being realized thanks to co-funding of European Union, Transatlantic foundation and German Marshall Fund of United States. Funds for this grant are from project „ Protecting EU Values and Fundamental Rights through Public Participation and Civil Society Assistance in Central Europe – PROTEUS“, which is realized by TF in cooperation with ECE program German Marshall Fund of the United States. Project PROTEUS is co-financed by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) through the Citizens, Equality, Rights and values programme (CERV).
“Co-financed by the European Union. However, the statements and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the statements and opinions of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the aid agency is responsible for them.”