The strong voice of single parents

The main objective of the project The Strong Voice of Single Parents is to increase both online and offline participation of single parents and their family members in discussions about their position in society, their rights, and their needs.

A specific goal of the project is to organise seven hybrid public meetings and two roundtables involving single parents, their family members, and other participants. These events aim to enhance their ability to communicate and advocate for their needs in interactions with representatives of local governments, state authorities, and employers.

The meetings will take place in regional capitals, attended by representatives of local state administrations, municipalities, and other relevant entities.

The conclusions drawn from these meetings will serve as the basis for preparing the strategic document “The Situation of Single Parents”, which will be presented to the Slovak Government Council for Family and Demographic Development and other relevant stakeholders.


Regional discussion meetings in regional capitals

During October to December 2024, we will hold regional meetings in each regional capital with the participation of representatives from state administration, local government, non-governmental organisations, and single parents. The presentation is available for viewing here:

All meetings are streamed live on our Facebook page. You can also watch recordings of past meetings here:

15.10.2024 Trnava

25.10.2024 Prešov

29.10.2024 Košice

05.11.2024 Žilina

12.11.2024 Nitra

23.12.2024 Banská Bystrica

Media articles

The OECD Advises Slovakia to Shorten Parental Leave, but for Some Parents, It Could Be Devastating
RTVS, Aktuálne, 19. marec 2024

Watch full video

Eva Marková from the Non-Profit Organisation Jeden rodič: Even After Years, the State Has Not Defined the Status, Challenges, and Support for Single Parents
NM, Otvorení rozhovoru, 29. december 2023
Read more

Single-Parent poverty
RTVS, Správy, 8. december 2023
Watch video

Cooperation focused primarily on supporting the legislative and Financial framework for single-parent families
ZMOS, 4,11,2024
Read more

Questionnaire for single parents

The aim of the questionnaire is to assess the situation of single parents and their specific needs.

Questionnaire for specialists

The questionnaire gathers insights from employees of state, public administration, and non-governmental organisations regarding their experiences working with single parents

Project activites

January 2024

On 19 January 2024, a meeting of the project team Jeden Rodič took place, attended by the project manager and the organisation’s director. The aim of the meeting was to plan specific project activities for 2024 and partially for 2025.

This year, we plan to organise five meetings in selected regional capitals. These meetings will be attended by representatives of our organisation, single parents, local state and municipal administration officials, employers, and the general public.

February 2024

On 6 February 2024, the Director, Eva Marková, met with the President of the Association of Towns and Municipalities of Slovakia. The purpose of the meeting was to present the project The Strong Voice of Single Parents and discuss potential collaboration.

On 9 February 2024, the project team held a meeting to begin preparing a questionnaire for single parents. The questionnaire aims to gather suggestions for improving their situation (e.g., areas of support, types of contributions, etc.). These inputs will be processed and efforts will be made to implement them.

March 2024

On 21 March 2024, the first online working meeting on the topic Let’s Stop Poverty in At-Risk Groups was held at 2:30 PM in cooperation with the Office of the Commissioner for Children. The meeting was attended by the organisation JEDEN RODIČ, OZ Návrat, ZMOS, the Salvation Army, and others.

April 2024

At the project meeting on 15 April 2024, we finalised the questionnaire for single parents. The questionnaire is anonymous and aims to assess the situation of single parents. Its results will serve as a basis for our advocacy activities. You can fill out the questionnaire HERE.

May 2024

On 16 May, the Non-Profit Organisations Day event was held in Prešov, with representatives from our organisation in attendance. During the event, they introduced participants to the organisation’s activities and the project The Strong Voice of Single Parents.

June 2024

On 18 June, Director Eva Marková attended a meeting of the Government Council for Family and Demographic Development, where she presented the situation and needs of single parents.

Júly 2024

We presented our project on RTVS News! During our appearance on RTVS News, we had the opportunity to highlight our current project, The Strong Voice of Single Parents.

September 2024

On 26 September, we met with single parents who are active participants in our project The Strong Voice of Single Parents. During this meeting, we presented the interim results of the questionnaire, which maps the real needs of single parents across various regions of Slovakia.

We also introduced participants to the plan for upcoming discussion meetings, which will take place in regional capitals. The meeting included discussions about their experiences and the daily challenges they face — from employment and housing to access to social services.

Additionally, we conducted an online meeting with single parents, where the interim results of the questionnaire were presented, and discussions focused on possibilities and methods of supporting single parents and their children.

August 2024

As part of the project, we met with expert Otto Brixi to discuss the topic of human rights advocacy. The discussion focused on how to conduct negotiations and advocacy effectively to support parents and children while promoting their rights and interests.

We also explored the importance of a strategic approach in communication with public institutions and how to build long-term partnerships that deliver tangible results.

October 2024

Preparation and implementation of regional discussion meetings in the cities of Trnava, Košice, and Prešov.

November 2024

Implementation of regional meetings in the cities of Nitra and Trenčín.

December 2024

Implementation of a regional meeting in Banská Bystrica.
Summarisation of materials and inputs from individual regional meetings for the preparation of a Strategic Document with proposals for addressing the situation of single parents.


Regional discussion meeting in Trenčín | 26.11.2024

Regional discussion meeting in Nitra | 12.11.2024

Regional discussion meeting in Žilina| 05.11.2024

Regional discussion meeting in Košice | 29.10.2024

Regional discussion meeting in Prešov | 25.10.2024

Regional discussion meeting in Trnava| 15.10.2024

Non-profit organisations day in Prešov | 16.5.2024

Round table IV Bratislava  | 07.12.2023

The project “The Strong Voice of Single Parents” is implemented thanks to co-financing by the European Union, the Transatlantic Foundation, and the German Marshall Fund of the United States. The funds for this grant come from the project Protecting EU Values and Fundamental Rights Through Public Engagement and Civil Society Assistance in Central Europe – PROTEUS,” implemented by the TF in cooperation with the ECE program of the German Marshall Fund of the United States. The PROTEUS project is co-funded by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) through the European Union’s Citizens, Equality, Rights, and Values (CERV) program.

“Co-funded by the European Union. However, the statements and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”